Denarius (D) Hybrid Cryptocurrency

Denarius Features AND Tech

Peer-to-Peer Cryptocurrency

Denarius is a P2P (Peer to Peer)  decentralized cryptocurrency, Denarius has no central authority or entity. It is powered by the people that run nodes like you. Denarius is a protocol, network, and has a cryptocurrency called D.


Denarius has custom masternodes called FortunaStakes. FortunaStakes require 5,000 D to be configured for an FS and are entirely decentralized in the network. They reward you 33% of block rewards and fees.

Jupiter IPFS

Denarius has a new interface and RPC options for what we dubbed “Jupiter”. Jupiter is our implementation of IPFS within Denarius, you can utilize Jupiter to upload files and data to the IPFS merkle tree. You can also use Proof-of-Data to timestamp these files on directly on the Denarius blockchain.


Denarius is an open source software project released under the MIT/X11 license which gives you the power to run, modify, and copy the software and to distribute, at your option, modified copies of the software. The software is released in a transparent process that allows for independent verification of binaries and their corresponding source code.

Denarius DNS

Denarius DNS. This is a feature that is currently being worked on and will be made available in the near future. Stay tuned for updates!



Denarius supports staking, Proof-of-Stake conesensus helps validate the blockchain and rewards you for running a node in the network at 6% per year on coins you enable for staking.

Atomic Swaps

Denarius has BIP66 support for CLTV (Check Lock Time Verify) which is used in conjunction with MultiSig addresses for atomic cross chain swapping and transactions. This feature can be utilized via different 3rd party clients.


Fast and Secure

Denarius features extremely fast transactional throughput. Denarius can handle over 147 TPS (Transactions per second), roughly 12.8 Million per day without any slow down to the Denarius blockchain mempool. The blockchain is secured via PoW and PoS consensus methods.


Denarius’s blockchain has now been running for over 3 years on 6/14/2020, The blockchain was started back on June 14th of 2017. Blockchain is immutable and the Denarius chain has proven itself through the test of time.


Denarius features deep integration with the Tor Project’s Tor Hidden Service. Denarius calls this mode “Native Tor” where you can start Denarius configured with the nativetor=1 flag to force Denarius to utilize its built in Tor daemon to setup a hidden service hostname and connect only to other Native Tor enabled nodes on the Denarius network, further enabling greater privacy.